Provide personalized virtual assistance to library users in accessing suitable information resources to meet their needs.

a. Online Document Delivery Services

The document delivery service processes articles and book chapter requests from the journals, books, e-resources and other materials available in the Library.

Steps on how to avail document delivery service:

  1. Communicate with the assigned librarian in your department (see Librarians Directory)
  2. Send the following details:
    1. Name/Department/Faculty or Student no.
    2. Title of the book/s: chapter or pages to be digitized/scanned. Scanning is limited to one (1) chapter per book.
  3. A notification email or instant messaging will be sent to acknowledge the request.
  4. The requested document will be sent 3-4 days after the acknowledgment.

b. Index to Online resources and Useful Links

List of online resources and useful links gathered by the HAU Librarian to help students and teachers for instruction, reference and academic purposes

Steps on how to open Index to Online Resources and Useful Links

  1. Go to HAU webpage, click Services > University Library;
  2. In the Library webpage, point cursor to E-Resources, then click Free Open Access by Department.
  3. The hyperlink of open access sites will be provided.

c. OnlineRequest of Library Materials

Use this service to recommend new items to add in our collection. Note that the service is for HAU students and faculty.All recommendations will be reviewed and evaluated based on certain criteria. A notification will be sent to acknowledge the request.

d. Ask a Librarian

Provides answers to reference queries through e-mail, and instant messaging. Real-time online help from the librarian-in-charge.

  1. Communicate with the assigned librarian in your department
  2. Send the following details:
    • Name/Department/Faculty or Student no. /email address.
    • Library inquiry/questions