Angelite Prayer


With the help of the Basic Education and College Youth Ministry, the CMO carries out its mission of preserving and promoting the spiritual growth of the whole Holy Angel University community through meaningful liturgical celebrations and other faith-oriented endeavors. These organizations follow its unique charism of animating the spirituality of students.

College Level:

  • Altar Servers’ Ministry (ASM) – in charge of the altar services during Eucharistic and Liturgical Celebrations
  • Lectors-Commentators’ Ministry (LCM) – serves as commentators and lectors during Eucharistic Celebrations
  • Music Ministry (MM) – in charge of Liturgical Songs in the Mass
  • Catholic Devotion Ministry (CDM) – focuses on spreading catholic devotions and practices
  • Catechetical Ministry (CM) – in charge of the Catechetical Instructions

High School Level:

  • SCG (Student Catechists' Group)
  • LCG (Lectors-Commentators’ Group)
  • ASG (Altar Servers’ Group)
  • Maidens (Basic Education’s counterpart of the MDA Group)
  • Musikeros (Basic Education’s Choir Group)

Elementary Level:

  • SCG (Grades 5 & 6 Student-Catechists' Group)
  • Lec-Com Group
  • Altar Servers’ Group
  • Music Glee Club (Grade School’s Choir Group)

Program And Activities

Guidelines for CMO Activities

Serving as venue to the various liturgical celebrations and activities of Holy Angel is the University Chapel. On December 9, 2009, it was dedicated to the Holy Guardian Angel, the patron saint of the University and of Angeles City; hence, it was named the Chapel of the Holy Guardian Angel. The event was graced by the presence of the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines His Excellency, the Most Rev. Edward Adams, D.D., the Archbishop of San Fernando His Grace, the Most Rev. Paciano Aniceto and the Auxiliary Bishop of Pampanga. The chapel serves as a shrine to an antique image of the Holy Guardian Angel which was commissioned in 1830 by Don Angel Pantaleon de Miranda. It was built by Highspire, Inc., while the main 'retablo' was designed by Willy Layug, who was the recipient of the Presidential Award of Merit in the same year. Situated at the heart of the campus, the Chapel of the Holy Guardian Angel signifies the place of Catholic Education in the university as the core of all instruction, formation, advocacies and endeavors of Holy Angel.

Guidelines for the use of the Chapel of the Holy Guardian Angel

  1. Only Religious activities are allowed.
  2. Regular schedule should be followed by the requesting party.
  3. The chapel's usage is limited to a maximum of two hours per session. This is to give way to the students, faculty, and employees who are visiting the chapel anytime during the day of prayer.
  4. No activity is allowed after office hours.
  5. Activities that create noise or loud sounds are not allowed.
  6. University and CMO activities are given priority over the regular activity of the requesting party.
  7. The chapel's cleanliness should be maintained.
  8. No vandalism.
  9. Pews should not be rearranged.
  10. Air conditioning units should be turned off after use.
  11. Violations of any guidelines mentioned above will mean termination of the use of the Chapel by the requesting party.

Contact Us


(63) 045-625-5748

(63) 045-625-9620

(63) 045-625-9619

Fax Numbers:

888-2514 - President's Office

888-1754 - Central Purchasing Office

888-1290 - Finance Office

International Calls:

Please dial (+63-45) plus telephone number.

National Calls:

Please dial (045) plus telephone number.


09190873327 (Smart)

09190873328 (Smart)

09190873329 (Smart)

09176320339 (Globe)

Campus Ministry Staff

Ms. Hazel A. Basilio

 Local 1130
Identity and Character Formation Officer

Ms. Lorna S. Tyson

 Local 1130
University Chaplain

Fr. Marvin P. Dizon

 Local 1322