To offer accessible,  quality education that transforms students into persons of conscience, competence,  and compassion  and to prepare for future careers. 

All for the greater glory of God.


To become an intentional university of choice for innovative and accessible international education founded on Catholic values in the service of our communities and society. 

Strategic Themes

Academic Quality and Organizational Resiliency 

Community and Innovation 

People Development 

Character and Catholic Spirituality 



We strive to be witnesses of the person and example of Christ.


We are fair, honest, and transparent in our personal and professional dealings.


We produce outcomes with the greatest possible human competence.

One Community

We animate the spirit of communion and solidarity.

Societal Responsibility

We work for economic efficiency, social justice, truth and environmental stewardship.

Quality Policy

We are all about students!

Holy Angel University fosters the holistic development of students and employees through instruction, research, extension, training, and services that conform to established quality standards and meet national and international legal and regulatory requirements while achieving institutional learning objectives.

HAU promotes educational, scientific, and technological advancements consistent with ethical principles and intellectual property rights.

The University management continually reviews and improves its Quality Management System, which stakeholders and interested parties understand and support.

Faithful to its Catholic foundation, HAU upholds excellence and integrity in serving our communities and society.

We will do it well or not at all.

Mr. Leopoldo Jaime N. Valdes
University President