
Study Areas

The Library has open reading areas in the 2nd and 3rd floors of the library for reading and serious study. They are available on a first come-first serve basis.

Discussion Rooms

Discussion rooms are available for currently enrolled students. Inquiries for the use of these rooms should be made at the Office of the Chief Librarian (2nd Floor).

Guidelines on the Use of Discussion Rooms

The University Library has 3 discussion rooms located at the 3rd floor of the library. The rooms serve as venue for researchers to discuss and work together.

  1. The discussion rooms are available for use of all bonafide students, faculty and staff of the University.
  2. Use of the rooms is open to a minimum of 5 persons in a group.
  3. The maximum number of users should not exceed each room’s capacity as follows: DR1, 10; DR2, 16 and DR3, 20.
  4. Use of the rooms is on a first come, first served basis. Those who want to be assured of a room however, may make reservations.
    4.1 Reservation can be made up to one (1) day before the intended date of use at the Office of the Library.
    4.2 The group should choose among themselves a representative who will make reservation.
    4.3 The representative can only book one discussion room per day.
    4.4 ID is required in booking for the rooms.
    4.5 Only groups with a minimum of five (5) members physically present at the specified reservation time shall be allowed to enter the room.
    4.6 The University Library reserves the right to cancel reservation of groups who fail to show up within the first 15 minutes of the scheduled reservation.
  5. To claim for the key, and whiteboard eraser, the group’s representative should present his /her HAU ID card.
  6. Use of the room is limited to a maximum of two (2) hours. Extension of use maybe considered subject to the room’s availability.
  7. User of the room should be held liable for damage and/or losses caused by the negligent use of the facility.
  8. The following are prohibited inside the discussion rooms;
    8.1 Eating
    8.2 Playing cards/ board games/ musical instruments
    8.3 Gambling
    8.4 Leaving personal belongings unattended
    8.5 Bringing in additional chairs and other pieces of furniture
  9. The University Library reserves the right to approve/disapprove use of the discussion rooms.

Faculty Room

Located at the 2nd floor of the library and is provided with two (2) computer units w/ internet connections. It can accommodate 12-15 faculty at one time.

Internet Stations

The Internet Workstation has provision to access to e-books, e-journals and internet research while in the Multimedia Station you can also view reference materials in CD-ROMS, newspapers in DVD format, and education /inspirational movies.


  1. User should surrender/submit the Identification Card upon entering.
  2. Services offered are as follows:
    1. Internet Research (Academic related)
    2. Electronic Journal databases
    3. E-books
  3. The Internet Workstation is for the academic and informative related researches only.
  4. Usage in on a First-Come, First-Served basis.
  5. Students can use the unit for a maximum of two (2) hour per use.
  6. Faculty and other employees of the school can also access if there are available units to use.Students are in the priority list.
  7. Downloading of information from the Internet using flash drives is not allowed .Files can be sent through personal e-mails.
  8. Pornographic sites, chat software and social media are blocked for better use of the bandwidth.
  9. Users should proceed to their assigned unit immediately.Companions are not allowed.Violators will be asked to leave the room immediately.
  10. Dot matrix printers will be made available for free printing.However, the researchers must provide their own paper.
  11. Any student found engaging in any of these activities shall be charged as provision of the student’s handbook:
    1. viewing pornographic pictures
    2. tampering of information in the computers
    3. Theft and mishandling or abuse of equipment and materials.
  12. The following are strictly prohibited in the Internet rooms:
    1. eating, drinking, smoking
    2. any form of discussion
    3. should not be made as a meeting place by any group
    4. studying/doing one’s lessons
  13. Always ask the assistance of the designated personnel if you have any problem on using any of the services the Internet Workstation offers.

Quiet Zones

Rooms are intended only for serious (quiet) study. No discussions are allowed in the area. An accommodation is on a first come-first-served basis.


Online Public Access Catalog Terminals