Within a few years after graduation, graduates of our Engineering programs are expectedto have:

  1. Demonstrated technical competence, including design and problem-solving skills, as evidencedby:
    • The sound technical designs and systems that conform with existing laws and ethicalstandards they produced
    • The recognition and certification they received for exemplary achievement

  2. Shown a commitment to life-long learning as evidenced by:
    • the graduate degrees or further studies they pursue
    • the professional certifications which are locally and internationally recognizedthey possess
    • the knowledge and skills on recent technological advances in the field theycontinuously acquire

  3. Exhibited success in their chosen profession evidenced by:
    • the key level positions they hold or promotions they get in their workplace
    • the good track record they possess
    • the professional visibility (e.g., publications, presentations, patents, inventions,awards, etc.)
    • they are involved with international activities (e.g., participation ininternational conferences, collaborative research, employment abroad, etc.) they areengaged with
    • the entrepreneurial activities they undertake

  4. Manifested faithful stewardship as evidenced by:
    • their participation in University-based community extension initiatives as alumni
    • their contribution to innovations/ inventions for environmental promotion andpreservation, and cultural integration
    • their engagement in advocacies and volunteer works for the upliftment of the qualityof life and human dignity especially the marginalized

OBE and CQI Frameworks for School of Engineering and Architecture Programs

The Outcomes Based Education – Continuous Quality Improvement (OBE-CQI) framework is a continuousprocess that involves the restructuring of the curriculum, assessment, learning and teachingmethods and activities.

Inputs and feedbacks from the Program Advisory Council (PAC), which consists of the industryrepresentatives, professional organizations, program faculty members and students of the Schoolof Engineering and Architecture, are collected every year. These will be used as the basis forrevision of VMGOs, PEOs, POs and COs. The OBE-CQI process can be described in four steps:

  1. PLAN (Syllabus Writing/Review) – The syllabi are created based on thedesired outcomes and also serve as a tool for measuring these outcomes. These are alignedwith the VMGOs, PEOs and POs.
  2. DO (Teaching Methods / Learning Activities) – Deliver the structuredsyllabi to produce the outcomes.
  3. CHECK (Assessment / Evaluation) – Identify, collect, analyze, interpret andreport data that can be used to evaluate achievement of the program educational objectivesand program outcomes.
  4. ACT (Continuous Quality Improvement) – Decide on which area needsimprovement and make recommendation of the revision of outcomes

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Program Outcomes (POs) for BS Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Program Educational Outcomes (PEOs):Mission
Within a few years after graduation, the graduates of the Civil Engineeringprogram should have: The School shall provide accessible quality engineering and architectureeducation leading to highly competent professionals.The School shall continually contribute to the advancement of knowledge andtechnology through research activities.The School shall support countryside development through environmentalpreservation and community involvement.

1. Demonstrated technical competence, including design and problem-solvingskills as evidenced by:the sound technical designs and systems that conform with existing laws andethical standards they produced;the recognition and certification they received for exemplary achievement.

  • the sound technical designs and systems that conform with existing lawsand ethical standards they produced;
  • the recognition and certification they received for exemplaryachievement.

2. Shown a commitment to life-long learning as evidenced by:

  • the graduate degrees or further studies they pursue;
  • the professional certifications which are locally and internationallyrecognized they possess;
  • the knowledge and skills on recent technological advances in the fieldthey continuously acquire.

3. Exhibited success in their chosen profession as evidenced by:

  • the key level positions they hold or promotions they get in theirworkplace;
  • the good track record they possess;
  • the professional visibility (e.g., publications, presentations, patents,inventions, awards, etc.) they are involved with;
  • international activities (e.g., participation in internationalconferences, collaborative research, employment abroad, etc.) they areengaged with;
  • the entrepreneurial activities they undertake.

4. Manifested faithful stewardship as evidenced by:

  • their participation in University-based community extension initiativesas alumni;
  • their contribution to innovations/ inventions for environmentalpromotion and preservation, and cultural integration;
  • their engagement in advocacies and volunteer works for the upliftment ofthe quality of life and human dignity especially the marginalized.
Relationship of the Civil Engineering Program Outcomes to the Program Educational Objectives:
Civil Engineering Program Outcomes (POs):PEOs
At the time of graduation, BS Civil Engineering program graduates should be ableto: 1234
a) Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering sciencesto the practice of Civil Engineering.
b) Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realisticconstraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, healthand safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards.
d) Function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
f) Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) Demonstrate and master the ability to listen, comprehend, speak, write andconvey ideas clearly and effectively, in person and through electronic media toall audiences.
h) Have broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineeringsolutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learningand to keep current of the development in the field.
j) Have knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice.
l) Have knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles asa member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinaryenvironments.
m) Acquire at least one specialized field of civil engineering practice.
n) Engage in service-learning program for the promotion and preservation tolocal culture and tradition as well as to the community.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Program Outcomes (POs) for Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):Mission
Within a few years after graduation, the graduates of the Electrical Engineeringshould have: The School shall provide accessible quality engineering and architectureeducation leading to highly competent professionals.The School shall continually contribute to the advancement of knowledge andtechnology through research activities.The School shall support countryside development through environmentalpreservation and community involvement.

1. Demonstrated professional competence, including design and problem-solvingskills as evidenced by:

  • the sound technical designs and systems that conform with existing lawsand ethical standards they produced;
  • the recognition and certification they received for exemplaryachievement.

2. Shown a commitment to life-long learning as evidenced by:

  • the graduate degrees or further studies they pursue;
  • the professional certifications which are locally and internationallyrecognized they possess;
  • the knowledge and skills on recent technological advances in the fieldthey continuously acquire.

3. Exhibited success in their chosen profession as evidenced by:

  • the key level positions they hold or promotions they get in theirworkplace;
  • the good track record they possess;
  • the professional visibility (e.g., publications, presentations, patents,inventions, awards, etc.) they are involved with;
  • international activities (e.g., participation in internationalconferences, collaborative research, employment abroad, etc.) they areengaged with;
  • the entrepreneurial activities they undertake.

4. Manifested faithful stewardship as evidenced by:

  • their participation in University-based community extension initiativesas alumni;
  • their contribution to innovations/ inventions for environmentalpromotion and preservation, and cultural integration;
  • their engagement in advocacies and volunteer works for the upliftment ofthe quality of life and human dignity especially the marginalized.
Relationship of the Institutional Student Learning Outcomes to the Program EducationalObjectives:
ISLO1: Show effective communication  
ISLO2: Demonstrate appropriate value and sound ethical reasoning  
ISLO3: Apply critical and creative thinking 
ISLO4: Utilize civic and global learning  
ISLO5: Use applied and collaborative learning
ISLO6: Employ aesthetic engagement  
ISLO7: Show Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy 
BS Electrical Engineering Program Outcomes (POs)

After finishing the program students will be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering sciences to the practice ofElectrical Engineering.
  • Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  • Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints suchas economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability,and sustainability, in accordance with standards.
  • Function on multidisciplinary teams.
  • Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
  • Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
  • Demonstrate and master the ability to listen, comprehend, speak, write and convey ideas clearlyand effectively, in person and through electronic media to all audiences.
  • Have broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,economic, environmental, and societal context.
  • Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning and to keep currentof the development in the field.
  • Have knowledge of contemporary issues.
  • Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
  • Have knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and leaderin a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Engage in service-learning program for the promotion and preservation to local culture andtradition as well as to the community.
    Relationship of the Electrical Engineering Program Outcomes to the Program EducationalObjectives:
    Electrical Engineering Program Outcomes (SOs):PEOs
    At the time of graduation, BS Civil Engineering program graduates should be ableto: PEO 1PEO 2PEO 3PEO 4
    a) Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering sciencesto the practice of Electrical Engineering.    
    b) Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.   
    c) Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realisticconstraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, healthand safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards.   
    d) Function on multidisciplinary teams.   
    e) Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.   
    f) Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.   
    g) Demonstrate and master the ability to listen, comprehend, speak, write andconvey ideas clearly and effectively, in person and through electronic media toall audiences.   
    h) Have broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineeringsolutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.   
    i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learningand to keep current of the development in the field.   
    j) Have knowledge of contemporary issues.   
    k) Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice.   
    l) Have knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles asa member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinaryenvironments.   
    m) Engage in service-learning program for the promotion and preservation tolocal culture and tradition as well as to the community.   

    Curriculum Map for Electrical Engineering Program [click here to view]

    Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Program Outcomes (POs) for Industrial Engineering
    Industrial Engineering Program Educational Outcomes (PEOs):Mission
    Within a few years after graduation, the graduates of the Industrial Engineeringprogram should have: The School shall provide accessible quality engineering and architectureeducation leading to highly competent professionals.The School shall continually contribute to the advancement of knowledge andtechnology through research activities.The School shall support countryside development through environmentalpreservation and community involvement.

    1. Demonstrated technical competence, including design and problem-solvingskills as evidenced by:the sound technical designs and systems that conform with existing laws andethical standards they produced;the recognition and certification they received for exemplary achievement.

    • the sound technical designs and systems that conform with existing lawsand ethical standards they produced;
    • the recognition and certification they received for exemplaryachievement.

    2. Shown a commitment to life-long learning as evidenced by:

    • the graduate degrees or further studies they pursue;
    • the professional certifications which are locally and internationallyrecognized they possess;
    • the knowledge and skills on recent technological advances in the fieldthey continuously acquire.

    3. Exhibited success in their chosen profession as evidenced by:

    • the key level positions they hold or promotions they get in theirworkplace;
    • the good track record they possess;
    • the professional visibility (e.g., publications, presentations, patents,inventions, awards, etc.) they are involved with;
    • international activities (e.g., participation in internationalconferences, collaborative research, employment abroad, etc.) they areengaged with;
    • the entrepreneurial activities they undertake.

    4. Manifested faithful stewardship as evidenced by:

    • their participation in University-based community extension initiativesas alumni;
    • their contribution to innovations/ inventions for environmentalpromotion and preservation, and cultural integration;
    • their engagement in advocacies and volunteer works for the upliftment ofthe quality of life and human dignity especially the marginalized.
    Relationship of the Industrial Engineering Program Outcomes to the Program EducationalObjectives:
    Industrial Engineering Program Outcomes (SOs):PEOs
    At the time of graduation, BS Industrial Engineering program graduates should beable to: 1234
    a) Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering sciencesto the practice of Industrial Engineering.
    b) Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
    c) Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realisticconstraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, healthand safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards.
    d) Function on multidisciplinary teams.
    e) Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
    f) Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
    g) Demonstrate and master the ability to listen, comprehend, speak, write andconvey ideas clearly and effectively, in person and through electronic media toall audiences.
    h) Have broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineeringsolutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
    i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learningand to keep current of the development in the field.
    j) Have knowledge of contemporary issues.
    k) Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice.
    l) Have knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles asa member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinaryenvironments.
    m) Engage in service-learning program for the promotion and preservation tolocal culture and tradition as well as to the community.
    Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Program Outcomes (POs) for BS Computer Engineering:
    Computer Engineering Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):Mission
    Within a few years after graduation, the graduates of the Computer Engineeringprogram should have: The School shall provide accessible quality engineering and architectureeducation leading to highly competent professionals.The School shall continually contribute to the advancement of knowledge andtechnology through research activities.The School shall support countryside development through environmentalpreservation and community involvement.

    1. Demonstrated professional competence, including design and problem-solvingskills as evidenced by:

    • the sound technical designs and systems that conform with existing lawsand ethical standards they produced;
    • the recognition and certification they received for exemplaryachievement.

    2. Shown a commitment to life-long learning as evidenced by:

    • the graduate degrees or further studies they pursue;
    • the professional certifications which are locally and internationallyrecognized they possess;
    • the knowledge and skills on recent technological advances in the fieldthey continuously acquire.

    3. Exhibited success in their chosen profession as evidenced by:

    • the key level positions they hold or promotions they get in theirworkplace;
    • the good track record they possess;
    • the professional visibility (e.g., publications, presentations, patents,inventions, awards, etc.) they are involved with;
    • international activities (e.g., participation in internationalconferences, collaborative research, employment abroad, etc.) they areengaged with;
    • the entrepreneurial activities they undertake.

    4. Manifested faithful stewardship as evidenced by:

    • their participation in University-based community extension initiativesas alumni;
    • their contribution to innovations/ inventions for environmentalpromotion and preservation, and cultural integration;
    • their engagement in advocacies and volunteer works for the upliftment ofthe quality of life and human dignity especially the marginalized.
    Relationship of the Computer Engineering Program Outcomes to the Program Educational Objectives:
    Computer Engineering Student Outcomes (SOs):PEOs
    At the time of graduation, BS Computer Engineering program graduates should beable to: 1234
    a) Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering sciencesto the practice of Computer Engineering.
    b) Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. 
    c) Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realisticconstraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, healthand safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards.
    d) Function on multidisciplinary teams.  
    e) Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.  
    f) Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. 
    g) Demonstrate and master the ability to listen, comprehend, speak, write andconvey ideas clearly and effectively, in person and through electronic media toall audiences.  
    h) Have broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineeringsolutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
    i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learningand to keep current of the development in the field.  
    j) Have knowledge of contemporary issues.  
    k) Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice. 
    l) Have knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles asa member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinaryenvironments.  
    m) Engage in service-learning program for the promotion and preservation tolocal culture and tradition as well as to the community.   

    Curriculum Map for Computer Engineering Program [click here to view]

    Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Program Outcomes (POs) for Electronics Engineering:
    Electronics Engineering Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):Mission
    Within a few years after graduation, the graduates of the ElectronicsEngineering program should have: The School shall provide accessible quality engineering and architectureeducation leading to highly competent professionals.The School shall continually contribute to the advancement of knowledge andtechnology through research activities.The School shall support countryside development through environmentalpreservation and community involvement.

    1. Competent engineers and architects

    2. Socially responsible and globally competitive professionals

    3. Responsible individual doing community outreach program

    4. Improving lives thru the use of technology

    5. Professional, technopreneur, and ethically sound both local and global

    6. Life-long learners

    7. Competitive Leaders

    Relationship of the Electronics Engineering Program Outcomes to the Program EducationalObjectives:
    Computer Engineering Program Outcomes (POs):PEOs
    At the time of graduation, Electronics Engineering program graduates should beable to: 1234567
    a) Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering sciencesto the practice of Electronics Engineering.
    b) Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
    c) Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realisticconstraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, healthand safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards.
    d) Function on multidisciplinary teams.
    e) Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
    f) Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
    g) Demonstrate and master the ability to listen, comprehend, speak, write andconvey ideas clearly and effectively, in person and through electronic media toall audiences.
    h) Have broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineeringsolutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
    i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learningand to keep current of the development in the field.
    j) Have knowledge of contemporary issues.
    k) Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice.
    l) Have knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles asa member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinaryenvironments.
    m) Engage in service-learning program for the promotion and preservation tolocal culture and tradition as well as to the community.

    Curriculum Map for Computer Engineering Program [click here to view]

    Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Program Outcomes (POs) for Mechanical Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):Mission
    Within a few years after graduation, the graduates of the Mechanical Engineeringshould have: The School shall provide accessible quality engineering and architectureeducation leading to highly competent professionals.The School shall continually contribute to the advancement of knowledge andtechnology through research activities.The School shall support countryside development through environmentalpreservation and community involvement.

    1. Demonstrated professional competence, including design and problem-solvingskills as evidenced by:

    • the sound technical designs and systems that conform with existing lawsand ethical standards they produced;
    • the recognition and certification they received for exemplaryachievement.

    2. Shown a commitment to life-long learning as evidenced by:

    • the graduate degrees or further studies they pursue;
    • the professional certifications which are locally and internationallyrecognized they possess;
    • the knowledge and skills on recent technological advances in the fieldthey continuously acquire.

    3. Exhibited success in their chosen profession as evidenced by:

    • the key level positions they hold or promotions they get in theirworkplace;
    • the good track record they possess;
    • the professional visibility (e.g., publications, presentations, patents,inventions, awards, etc.) they are involved with;
    • international activities (e.g., participation in internationalconferences, collaborative research, employment abroad, etc.) they areengaged with;
    • the entrepreneurial activities they undertake.

    4. Manifested faithful stewardship as evidenced by:

    • their participation in University-based community extension initiativesas alumni;
    • their contribution to innovations/ inventions for environmentalpromotion and preservation, and cultural integration;
    • their engagement in advocacies and volunteer works for the upliftment ofthe quality of life and human dignity especially the marginalized.
    Relationship of the Mechanical Engineering Program Outcomes to the Program EducationalObjectives:
    Mechanical Engineering Program Outcomes (POs):PEOs
    At the time of graduation, BS Mechanical Engineering program graduates should beable to: 1234
    a) Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering sciencesto the practice of Mechanical Engineering.   
    b) Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. 
    c) Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realisticconstraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, healthand safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards. 
    d) Function on multidisciplinary teams.  
    e) Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.  
    f) Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. 
    g) Demonstrate and master the ability to listen, comprehend, speak, write andconvey ideas clearly and effectively, in person and through electronic media toall audiences.
    h) Have broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineeringsolutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
    i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learningand to keep current of the development in the field. 
    j) Have knowledge of contemporary issues.  
    k) Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice.  
    l) Have knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles asa member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinaryenvironments. 
    m) Engage in service-learning program for the promotion and preservation tolocal culture and tradition as well as to the community.   

    Curriculum Map for Mechanical Engineering Program [click here to view]

    Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Program Outcomes (POs) for Aeronautical Engineering
    Aeronautical Engineering Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):Mission
    Within a few years after graduation, the graduates of the AeronauticalEngineering should have: The School shall provide accessible quality engineering and architectureeducation leading to highly competent professionals.The School shall continually contribute to the advancement of knowledge andtechnology through research activities.The School shall support countryside development through environmentalpreservation and community involvement.

    1. Demonstrated professional competence.

    2. Shown a commitment to life-long learning

    3. Exhibited success in their chosen profession

    4. Manifested faithful stewardship

    Relationship of the Aeronautical Engineering Program Outcomes to the Program EducationalObjectives:
    Aeronautical Engineering Program Outcomes (POs):PEOs
    At the time of graduation, BS Aeronautical Engineering program graduates shouldbe able to: 1234
    a) Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering sciencesto the practice of Aeronautical Engineering.
    b) Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
    c) Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realisticconstraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, healthand safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards.
    d) Function on multidisciplinary teams.
    e) Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
    f) Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
    g) Demonstrate and master the ability to listen, comprehend, speak, write andconvey ideas clearly and effectively, in person and through electronic media toall audiences.
    h) Have broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineeringsolutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
    i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learningand to keep current of the development in the field.
    j) Have knowledge of contemporary issues.
    k) Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice.
    l) Have knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles asa member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinaryenvironments.
    m) Engage in service-learning program for the promotion and preservation tolocal culture and tradition as well as to the community.
    Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Program Outcomes (POs) for BS Architecture
    BS Architecture Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):Mission
    Within a few years after graduation, the graduates of the BS ArchitectureProgram should have: The School shall provide accessible quality engineering and architectureeducation leading to highly competent professionals.The School shall continually contribute to the advancement of knowledge andtechnology through research activities.The School shall support countryside development through environmentalpreservation and community involvement.

    1. Demonstrated professional competencies in accordance with the scope of theglobal and local practice of architecture.

    2. Shown a commitment to life-long learning and receptiveness to new ideasand knowledge through scientific research.


    3. Shown success in their chosen profession or career.


    4. Directed and focused the thrust of architecture to the needs and demandsof society and its integration into the social, economic, cultural andenvironmental aspects of nation building.

    Relationship of the BS Architecture Program Outcomes to the Program Educational Objectives:
    BS Architecture Program Outcomes (POs):PEOs
    At the time of graduation, BS Aeronautical Engineering program graduates shouldbe able to: 1234
    a) Create architectural solutions by applying knowledge in history, theory,planning, building technology and utilities, structural concepts andprofessional practice
    b) Use concepts and principles from specialized fields and allied disciplinesinto various architectural problems.  
    c)Interpret and apply relevant laws, codes, charters and standards ofarchitecture and the built environment.  
    d) Apply research methods to address architectural problems.  
    e) Use various information and communication technology (ICT) media forarchitectural solutions, presentation, and techniques in design andconstruction.   
    f) Demonstrate entrepreneurial and business acumen relevant to architecturalpractice.  
    g) Involve themselves in the management of the construction works and buildingadministration and preparation of contract documents, technical reports andother legal documents used in architectural practice adhering to applicablelaws, standards and regulations.  
    h) Recognize the professional, social and ethical responsibilities and theservice orientation of the architectural profession.
    i) Effectively communicate orally and in writing using English or Filipino.
    j) Perform effectively and efficiently in multi-disciplinary and multi-culturalteams in diverse fields of practice. 
    k) Participate in the generation of new knowledge such as pioneering conceptsand ideas of site and building design beyond the regular physical and locationboundaries and contexts.  
    l) Engage in service-learning program for the promotion and preservation tolocal culture and tradition as well as to community and pastoral initiatives.   
    m) Participate in various types of employment, development activities, andpublic discourses particularly in response to the needs of the communities oneserves.

    Note: The PEOs are still works in progress and are subject to change dependingon the feedback that maybe provided during the on-going consultation sessions with stakeholders.