League of Tourism Students of the Philippines, the HAU-Chapter, also known as “LTSP” is a Uni-
Wide Organization that diversifies all tourism colleges around the country. It is a non-stock, non-
profit nationwide organization of tourism students that speaks for the Tourism Imdustry of the
Philippines. The HAU-Chapter has extended their knowledge regarding tourism matters and the
like. The organization provides seminars and activities that will hasten, sharpen, and extend its
members' wisdom and intelligence in a certain tourism activity. The LTSP HAU-Chapter is headed
by Mr. Ardee Glenn Domingo together with the President, Joanna Marie Zacarias, and the Internal
and External Vice Presidents, Free Frances Wong and Alyza Anne Maliwanag.
The League of Tourism Students of the Philippines (LTSP) was established on February 23, 2007
by Mr. Xander Kim Sigua, a tourism graduate here at Holy Ange, University. It is presently
recognized as the contemporary organization of the Philippine Tourism and Hospitality students.
Currently, LTSP has more than 20 chapters all over the Philippines who strive to strengthen and to
unite the tourism student sector and to be able to develop competent and outstanding tourism
Membership requirements:
As of now, everyone can be part of the organization as long as they are under SHTM particularly
in Tourism Majors.
Membership procedure:
Tourism students were ought to answer the google form that the organization has provided and
that includes their name, section, contact information schedule together with their signatures.
Membership form: https://forms.gle/23X8e9yjug86ySnK8
LTSP HAU Chapter Advisers- Mr. Ardee Glenn Domingo
President: Joanna Marie Zacarias
Vice President-External - Free Frances Wong
Vice President-Internal- Alyza Anne Maliwanag
Secretary - Lloyd Irvin Ragasa
Treasurer- Georgie Catap
Auditor - Graciela Sofia Marquez
Seminar Head - Erika V. Dela Cruz
Seminar Head- Kyouske Murofushi
Membership Head - Frannie Mae Ayson
Membership Head- Khaila Makabali
Membership Head - Kym Lee
Outreach Head - Jashmere Acero
Outreach Head-John Dominic Carlos
Outreach Head- Jenchael Castro
Fund Generation Head- Anne Cordel
Fund Generation Head- Janell Irem Bargas
Office Address: STL Building, 3rd Floor at Holy Angel University
E-mail: hau.ltsp@gmail.com
Facebook: @officialLTSPHAUChapter
Instagram: @hau_ltsp
Contact person:
Free Frances Wong (LTSP VP-External)
0949 816 3477