There are a number of categories in the field of accounting jobs. All of them focus on the financial operation of a company, and offer various and rewarding opportunities. Those coming straight out of the college campus must look for entry-level jobs like account clerk and pay clerk. However, by virtue of gaining experience they will be able to move higher in the chain and get supervisory positions subsequently. But those with higher qualifications, like a Master’s degree in Accountancy, can directly enter the supervisory cadre.
The accountant renders professional service in any of the following major fields of work:
Public Accounting
Private Accounting
Government Accounting
Research and Education is another professional field where the accountant assumes the role of researcher, teacher and reviewer.
County of Santa Clara (2004). Retrieved from the Web 06/04/09.
Holmes, Ivana M. (2007). Retrieved from the Web 06/04/09.
Watson, Carin L. (2009). Retrieved from the Web 06/04/09.
Department of Management
Medical Secretarial
Office Administration
Office Administration