CCJEF Students Win 1st National Peace and Justice Ideation and Pitch Competition

College of Criminal Justice Education and Forensics

November 13, 2024

Students from the College of Criminal Justice Education and Forensics (CCJEF) were hailed as champions in the 1st National Peace and Justice Ideation and Pitch Competition held at the University of Cordillera, Baguio City last November 9 and 10, 2024.

The winning team, composed of Criminology students Kyla Mari Cangco, Stephanie Bansil and Amber Joy David, and Forensic Science students Ann Therese Manalese,and Lea Mari Nicdao, presented an innovative and impactful idea to solve Human Rights problems through their prototype "AdvocAID: Advanced Documentation of Violations and Complaints by Artificial Intelligence Database".

Their proposal impressed the judges with its unique features, potential impact, and feasibility.

The competition, organized by University of the Cordillera, brought together students from various universities across the country to generate creative solutions for promoting peace and justice. Participants were challenged to develop and pitch ideas that address pressing issues such as crime prevention, conflict resolution, and access to justice.

The CCJEF students' victory is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and innovative thinking. Their success serves as an inspiration to other students and highlights the important role young people play in building a more peaceful and just society.

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